
I think I said “look I’m making crepes!” about ten times to my boyfriend. Maybe more. I was just really excited about how easy crepes are to make! It’s one of those things that people think are hard, but are actually really easy. I thought because they’re so thin, they’d rip apart when you try to flip them. In reality, they are very resilient. None of them ripped and it was really easy.

I used a cast iron pan which worked out perfectly. The only problem I found was that the handle gets hot and the pan gets heavy when you’re trying to swirl it. But those were minor problems. It worked great and I’m really excited I made them.

I highly recommend watching Food Wishes video if you try to make these. I love this site because I’ve learned so much from watching his videos. Even the things I think would be hard are so easy when you can see step by step videos.


Recipe from Food Wishes
I highly recommend watching the video

1 cup flour
2 eggs
1 1/4 cup milk
2 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp salt

1. Whisk the eggs. Then add the flour, milk, oil, and salt. Mix really well until there are no lumps in the batter. Let sit in the fridge for an hour.

2. The consistency of the batter should be like heavy cream. Add some milk if it’s too thick.

3. Use a pan about 8-10 inches and heat it to medium high heat. Butter the pan entirely.

4. Use about 1/3 cup measuring cup to pour the batter on to the pan. As you pour it, swirl the pan so that you cover the pan in a thin layer of batter.

5. Once the glossiness disappears, flip the crepe over. It will happen within 30 seconds.

6. Remove from heat and enjoy.

Now comes the fun part, what to put inside. Here’s what I did:

  • scrambled eggs and bacon
  • mozzarella, prosciutto, and basil
  • nutella and strawberry jelly

You’re only limited by your kitchen pantry.

For more crepe ideas check out The Crepes Blog!

Sadly, none of the pictures came out when I tried to take pictures of the crepes individually. Looks like I’ll just have to make more and try again! 🙂

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